Exploring Reading & Writing Skills

Price: MYR 40.00Category: Preview Sample Book

Price : RM49.00


Just English Exploring Reading and Writing Skills (Starter) introduces young adult starter-level students to basic reading and writing skills. The book incorporates different types of reading texts and a range of exercises and activities for students to learn and practise these basic skills.

Most units in the book have two short reading texts with accompanying comprehension and vocabulary exercises for practicing skimming and scanning skills to foster literal understanding of the text. Some questions target basic skills of deduction and inference.

Certain aspects of grammar or sentence structure that is reflected in the reading texts are briefly expounded on in the section Take Note. The Reading & Speaking section gives students the opportunity to respond to the topics of the reading texts in speaking activities. The Language Skills for Writing section provides the foundation for sentence level language work and tips on writing, giving the learner practice in writing different kinds of sentences relevant to basic academic writing with the crafting of a model paragraph as its ultimate goal. Three units in the book focus primarily on how to structure and develop a good paragraph.

Complete lesson plans and power point slides have been developed to accompany the text. These are available on request.